Tonight I was doing my nightly ritual of face washing, teeth brushing, etc. Since we are staying at my in-laws house currently, I had left my lotion downstairs and used some of the lotion by the sink for my hands.
Immediately I was taken back to Coventry, England 2001. All because of a lotion. The same brand of lotion that I used for 4 months while living in a tiny bedroom on the 3rd floor of a very damp and cat-smelling home. I can see the fluffy, single bed up against the wall right below the tiny long and narrow window - that I left cracked 24/7 to help with the cat dander & just stale stuffy air of the February winter inside. I am back in the room standing next to the narrow closet, looking at my huge forest green & maroon backpack that has 7 months worth of clothes, bedding, and school supplies stuffed into it. As I open the bedroom door, I can see the narrow hallway with the tiny, but beautiful Victorian style bathroom - with the hot water heater to the right as it kicks on loudly warning us all of the 10pm shut down time of the city water for each night. And not only do I see my home for that time, I see faces of my college friends and the cobblestone and brick roads outside. I can see the buses, train, and people sitting at the internet cafe and those on benches. I see the huge Cathedral and people walking around with backpacks and laughing at the tourists; the outdoor escalators and the amazing 3 story mall. I can smell the rain; I can smell the smog & exhaust; and I can see the green countryside outside of the city. Everything - every memory- about that time I am taken back to by the smell - the smell of lotion - the memories that I created 8 years ago during my Senior year of college. And I miss those memories -those experiences. So in honor of Coventry, England and all the wonderful people, my host family, and my friends & teachers, I have posted just a few pictures. I will have to go through my albums and post some more later!
I am so thankful that I had the opportunity to live over there for a brief time and I would definitely go back in a heartbeat!