Monday, March 2, 2009

"Mrs Davis? Hi, Kaileigh's Appointment Was at 2:15 this Afternoon..."


"Really," I said. "I never got a confirmation call."

"I have you down here as confirmed on Friday at 2:35pm."

"Really. Who did you talk to?!"

"I don't have the name written down, but I did speak with someone and they confirmed your appointment."

"Well, I wasn't around on Friday and we have no messages or any record on our caller ID. This is really frustrating cause I would've been there had this 'ghost' confirm er told me I had an appointment."

"I'm truly sorry Mrs. Davis, but we had you confirmed and we will need to re-schedule and get your no-show fee."

"Ok, so I can come in anytime this week that you pick, but I'm still going to say that there is no message, caller ID, or call to our cell phones, and I'd really rather not pay the $50 for an appointment that I was unaware about. I can bring phone records if you'd like"

"Very well Mrs. Davis. We will see you later this week."

"Thanks. Bye"

So either the lady was like 'gosh this mom is crazy' or she was like 'this is a hole I will not be able to get out of with this mom, so I'm going no farther.' Regardless, I'm sure I will have to end up paying the $50 for not showing up and just deal with it. Though to me, $50 IS a huge deal when I truly didn't get a phone call of any sorts and am now saying 'good bye' to our March date night to pay for my lack of responsibility that I had no clue I was being.

Last week at our MOPS group, we talked about perspective - in parenting and viewing life as a whole in a larger picture. We looked at a piece of art that was "pointillism". The closer you looked at the picture, the more dots you could see and not the entire piece of art - the dots were more accented and the painting was blurred, but the farther away you held it, the more defined the picture become and the dots were blurred. The whole point being, when we can step back and look at the whole picture, the dots aren't as big and defined. The closer in we look and pick away, all you see are the dots and not the art.

So back to my conversation above with the nurse earlier. Really, in the grand scheme of things, it's not that big of deal - or "dot" - should I say. Inconvenient? Definitely. But at least Kaileigh has a doctor to go to and has a good one that can fit us in again in the same week and have a nurse that can deal with my irritable voice over the phone. What a way for me to be reminded that there is a bigger picture in this adventure!

And so, here is one more way that I choose to 'own my adventure'.

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