Saturday, February 28, 2009

Owning My Adventure

I must concur that it has been way too long since I last was blogging. However, I found myself not liking the old blog and wasn't sure what I wanted out of my new one. Then it hit me - adventure. Not just any adventure, but the adventure of being Mommy AND Me. What does it mean to own our adventures?

It has been quite a rollarcoaster the past 18 months - I have been responsible for another human being other than myself! And in the process of becoming a mommy, I began to wonder where 'me' was in all of this. I went from full time work, traveling, adventures - to, well.... motherhood. And all of a sudden I found myself wondering "what now?" Oh Jordan, Jordan, Jordan...if only I'd known that I'd just traded one adventure for another - an adventure that I'd begin to cherish every moment of every day!

Owning my adventure - I love the fact that this new adventure is still ME. Yes I have the daily routine tasks, but there is ME in those daily tasks and I have learned so much about myself. I love the fact that since having my daughter and being at home with her that I still get to develop my skills, passions, and learn new things. I love the fact that I can laugh when - once again - I've left the house with no diapers, but diaper wipes; no wallet, but purse; left with a pajama shirt still on with jeans that has breakfast all over it; that 'late' is all relative - I'm owning my adventure. I love the fact that I've continued to bring some much-needed income into the family through freelance work and that it can be done while my daughter builds with blocks and watches "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse" - I'm owning my adventure.

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